God is a complex word. What is God, A tree, a man, a word, intelligence, or perhaps a virtue? The real meaning and essence of the meaning of God, we shall never find out about it. We will never know what is God but it hasn’t stopped us in the past and certainly will not stop us in the future to try and find the truth, the grain of sand in a world of beaches. The philosophy of God doesn’t define anything but rather creates a path for everything. Understanding the path of life is getting oneself more in tune with God. God isn’t everything or nothing, God simply is; God.
A little boy, named Johnny, goes out to a creek to skip some stones and brings a friend to join in on the fun. They get to the creek and are throwing the stones, having a good time. The little boy doesn’t contemplate about his friend or what’s the point of throwing stones, they are just enjoying the moment. All of a sudden there is a gust of wind, and his friend falls into the creek. The friend can’t swim and will drown. The little boy without even thinking twice jumps in to save his friend, but he can’t swim either. Both of them struggle to stay afloat but the little boy manages to somehow save his friend and himself even though he couldn’t swim. From that event the little boy will learn to be more careful when he is near the water.
Men grow up and have experiences, then based on their experiences make assumptions on life developing values to live by for the rest of their days. We can choose to learn from the Johnny experience in several different ways; It was a miracle and an act of god that they didn’t die. Their guardian angels came down from heaven and saved them from the hand of death. The little boy through adrenaline was able to thrash enough in the water to save his friend and stay afloat. They saved themselves by helping each other, one helping the other stay afloat. Then we can look at it and say that it was a statistic anomaly, pure luck in other words. This event is neither miracle nor luck, it just is, perhaps that’s the greatest lesson we can take from that. So why should we go and try to judge this event, why are we trying to label it? We like to put things in order, organize, and rationalize. This is fine when judging our experiences, but becomes problematic when looking at higher level complex subjects such as God. Perhaps it is our flaw to prejudge complex things such as God and try to explain it. The root of our intelligence stems from our ability to reason. It is our nature to define and explain things., but some things, like God, are just out of our grasp. You cannot define a number, you just have to accept it.
We shouldn’t try to explain God, but just use it and take it for what it is, nothing more nothing less. It is the results and consequent things after such an experience that matter the most. Whether Johnny lives or if Johnny was hurt. We cannot try to justify God based on our experiences, for then we are left where we started, nowhere. Johnny and his friend survived and that is that. Trying to explain God will only lead to more questions.
The idea of God cannot be compared to everyday experience. For if we reason from our experience alone because like an optical illusion our experiences fool us. Our general belief on God is that he is all-good and provides us with unconditional love. Our society and experiences portray for us the exact opposite. From media alone a conclusion that the world is all evil is arrived. Media and society are a lot quicker providing the perception of evil than the perception of good. It is much easier to break things than make them. It is easier to say no than to go help somebody. Going around the world are only viruses and diseases. There has never been something good going around. Society has never experienced a good mood outbreak, a smile epidemic, or a sudden love syndrome. But we are not supposed to compare our experience with our idea of God, they are incompatible. Just like you can’t race a rabbit against a crab to determine which rabbit is the fastest in the world. The race would be illegitimate because it would tell you nothing about the speed of the rabbit. It would win the race but the question will remain. Is this the world's fastest rabbit? God cannot be jugded or explained based on our experiences. It will lead to a false idea of God.
Our experiences and conclusions are not only incompatible with God but are not always right either. A famous philosopher, Hume, states in the following paragraph that our senses and hence experiences don’t always provide the truth. For the only thing certain about our senses is that they have errors.
"Let the errors and deceits of our very senses be set before us; the insuperable difficulties which attend first principles in all systems; the contradictions which adhere to the very ideas of matter, cause and effect, extension, space, time, motion; and in a word, quantity of all kinds, the object of the only science that can fairly pretend to any certainty or evidence."
God is unexplainable because our skepticisms against this idea are on a different plane and therefore unjustifiable. We can't say the orange wasn’t good because it didn’t taste like a grape because they are different fruits. Lets say that God has the taste of an orange but all we have ever tasted are grapes. In consequence we can’t contemplate anything about the taste of an orange because all we know about is the taste of a grape. If grapes are all we eat, then anything we try other than grapes will be compared to them. Conclusions about God from our experiences are not comparable to God in what he really is. We are just supposed to accept what God is because we have no other means to level our urge to understand, to classify, to simplify the meaning and likeness of God.
God is the only word that has a meaning without a definition. Religion tells us that God is everything and everywhere. But if he is everywhere, then he is not somewhere. If we are here then where is God? God cannot possibly be here because we are here and if we are here then nothing other than us is here. If I am standing at point B, then nothing else can be standing at point B other than me. That shows how we understand the limits of our own reason, a thought that is supposed to be impossible. If he is everything, he can’t be nothing and nothing is something; another paradox. On the limits of reason we find an ocean of impossibility. Trying to understand God is impossible. We must either try to understand it or just accept it. We can’t understand it, so we must accept it as it is. Resist the urge to try to comprehend the idea of God and just accept. God is beyond our limits of reason. It is like looking for a wall in an infinite room, it cannot be done. It will only waste your time.
Can God create a rock that he cannot lift? That well known paradox should be no problem for God because we humans created a word that we cannot understand, God. We humans are inferior to God, so God can go around paradoxes in which we cannot. Paradoxes bring us closer to what God is for they too are something we cannot comprehend, understand, or overcome. We see complexities they propose just as we have the capacity to reason about God, but we cannot explain them, we cannot provide a solution. So is God a paradox? No, because then a paradox wouldn’t be a paradox and God wouldn’t be God. Simplified, this means that an orange can't be an apple because then it wouldn't be an orange.
We can try to explain what God is for an infinite amount of time and still it wouldn’t be enough time for us to understand. If infinity isn’t enough time, then it’s not the right subject for contemplation. Perhaps God is something we just have to live with. Just as we breathe air in without thinking about it, we need to believe God without any questions. Everything and anything we think of will not define God, for ultimately, we have no way of checking. There are no signs or questions boxes when it comes to God. Your own belief is your own justification. You will never be right but you will also never be wrong.
God should not be thought of as a solvable equation. Our experiences have faults and cannot provide us a solution to something flawless; God. Our mind is limited and cannot solve a limitless equation. You cannot fit an infinite amount of water into a finite bucket. We can only look back on our lives and reflect. Through comprehending our way of life we get closer to God because it is all we have to show of our existence. Trying to understand such a complex puzzle such as God only leads to more puzzles. Some things are not meant to be categorized and explained. Therefore, God has to be accepted because God cannot be explained no matter how many times we try to. We simply have no other choice because we will not be able understand it. God isn’t anything, everything, or nothing, God just is; God.